To all Amigos
From Helga Hampton
August 22, 2016
Dear Members – old, active and new,
How lucky we are – this wonderful summer is still with us, and even though the Olympic Games have now disappeared from our TV screens, we can still indulge in beach and sun pursuits and partake of so great a variety of cultural entertainment with family and friends that we hardly notice how time flies.
The Amigo summer break is never without activity as we are between concert seasons and thus membership renewals become due. At the time of this writing we are this year more than half-way there as far as usual AND desired active membership count is concerned. I am happy to say that this includes some new members whom we were able to attract. They have decided to join us, rather than being among the regular entrance fee paying guests, in order to play a more active role in what we are doing. I herewith gratefully welcome them in our midst.
The increase in subscriptions for the 2016/17 membership from €150 to €200 was deemed necessary, mainly because of the general rate of inflation and the ever greater increases in air travel cost. The previous raising of subs was as far back as during the 2008/9 season – 8 years ago.
Last season we Amigos were able to enjoy some remarkable performances by some of the world’s most talented musicians. The scheduling for the coming year should be equally good. There will again be 16 concerts by 8 different sets of artists (see Programming Schedule 2016/17 below). These musicians come from various European countries to us and we provide them with return air fares, accommodation, a rental car and the usual Amigo performance remuneration – not to mention our gratitude and friendship. And it is your membership fees that are the backbone of my budget to cover these basic and unavoidable costs. The increase of subscription will also enable us to boost our reserves so that we can again provide support for young musicians. Our sponsorship of Ana Beatriz Ferreira finally ended this year with the final year of her Masters degree course.
My particular thanks here go to the several members whose additional generosity of extra donations enables me to spread my programming wings and add the occasional duo or even trio to the piano soloists who form our staple offering.
Of course, when everything is said and done, we could not cover all our expenses without the entry fees paid by the general music loving public who help us fill the auditorium. We depend very much on their €25 per ticket, so one of my goals is to inspire more and more people with our vibrant programming. We need to continue to play our unique part in the Algarve’s cultural landscape.
Everybody has a part to play – if you haven’t yet done so, please play yours by rejoining.
Helga Hampton
September, 27, 2016 AGM before the first concert of the Season
Sept. 27 and 29, 2016 Charles Owen, piano
October 18 and 20, 2016 Joana Vieira, piano and Michail Shumov, cello
November 8 and 10, 2016 Craig Ogden, guitar
December 13 and 15, 2016 Ana Beatriz Ferreira, piano
March 14 and 16, 2017 Holger Groschopp, piano and Adele Bitter, cello
April 11 and 13, 2017 Lucy Parham, piano and Henry Goodman, actor
May 16 and 18, 2017 Bernd Glemser, piano
June 20 and 22, 2017 Alissa Firsova, piano, Tim Hugh, cello and
Andrew Marriner, clarinet