The Annual General Meeting is called for Tuesday, 19th September 2017 at Os Agostos. The meeting is convened for 4.30 pm, and if a quorum is not present, will be reconvened at 5.30 pm with those members present. Please come at 5.30 pm
1. Opening of meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence and proxy votes.
3. Minutes of last AGM and matters arising.
4. President’s report.
5. Treasurers Report and approval.
6. Fiscal Council report and approval.
7. Ratification of co-option of
7.1 Margaret Jackson as a Vice President of the Direção.
7.2 Gonçalo Couceiro as member of the Fiscal Council
8. Bank Signatories. Our statutes state that to commit the Association, two directors signatures are required, one being the President or Vice-president. It is therefore proposed that we also appoint the treasurer as a vice-president
9. Recognition of the Contribution made by:
9.1 Maria & António Farrajota and the team at Os Agostos
9.2 Cristina
10. Any other business.
11. Closing remarks.
Other proposals may be made and should be returned to arrive a day before the meeting.
Click here fora proxy form: Convocation 2017
Proxy Votes should be returned to:-
John Levitt
Presidente da Assembleia Geral
Associação de Amigos de Música de São Lourenço
Apartado 3096
8135-902 Almancil Please note my new email address:-
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting, which will be followed by the introduction of Tiago Rosário, our new sponsoree, who will play a short piece before adjourning for the customary refreshments before the main Concert.
Kind regards,
John Levitt
President of the General Assembly.