Membership renewal July 1st, 2014 – 2015

Published: May 28, 2014


Membership year 2014/15

As we have found a new venue in “Os Agostos” we can now with the help of our hosts resume our private concert activities. Our membership year starts on July 1st, with the first concerts planned for September 2014. There are a total of 18 concerts by internationally renown musicians , i.e. 2 concerts per month, planned for the coming membership period ending end of June 2015, and your subscriptions and donations will make it all possible.

Membership conditions remain unchanged: Annual subs per Amigo are €150 with free attendance to all concerts within the projected season. Guests are welcome, and a voluntary contribution to expenses of €25.00 per person is appreciated. Advance notice will

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be emailed to all Amigos before each month. Drinks and canapés will be served before each concert. Artists’ lodgings are the Os Agostos guest suites, compliment the Amigos.

To renew your membership please fill out the reply slip below giving all your current contact details, detach it and mail it together with your cheque made out to “Amigos de Musica” or “AAMSL”to Mr. Michael Savage, Pes do Cerro, C.P. 317-Z, Moncarapacho, 8700-124 Olhao.

If you prefer to make a bank transfer, please use the following:

NIB 0018 0000 4041014600103.

IBAN (for overseas transfers) which is PT50 001800004041014600103 and BIC which is TOTAPTPL.

Important: When using the bank transfer mode, please also fill in the reply slip giving your details plus the information of your effected payment and mail this to Mr. Savage.


Helga Hampton



—–tear off————————tear off———————–tear off———————-tear off—- ——–rear off——————–







Tel: ___________________Mobile phone: 1.___________________ 2.__________________

Email address(es):_____________________________________________________________

Subscription cheque attached in the amount of: €__________________________

Donation added: €____________________________

(Bank transfer made in the amount of €_____________________________date:____________)


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