We are moving back into our “old” auditorium where the piano is in constant residence. As a consequence of having to follow ever stricter social distancing rules, we will be limited to seating no more than max. 45 people there. Our hosts, in their never-ending generosity, are offering us the additional space in the upper room adjacent to the auditorium, called “celeiro”, where there are seating possibilities for another 10 – 12 people.
As part of our safety preparations our new addition of matineé performances has been accepted with enthusiasm! And I am sure you will be pleased to hear that all our future artists also are more than willing to play their programme several time. So, matineé performances of all concerts planned are at 11:00 and the evening at 19:00. Gates will open an hour before and refreshments will be served to be taken to the seats.
Please observe the following operational guidelines:
- Booking is required, as usual, by email. We would like to ask you to restrict your reservations to either the Matinee or the evening performance. Of course you can come on both days.
- Prepayment is required for guests and non-members.
- Masks are to be worn at all times including during the concert and when not seated.
- The gates at Os Agostos open one hour before concert begin. Please don’t come earlier.
- There is one entrance to the auditorium complex, via the far right-hand door of the reception area. Please avoid queuing and observe distancing rules.
- At the entrance, catering will be provided. Take your refreshments to your seat.
- Seat reservations are not possible, but couples can sit together.
- The auditorium will be aired as much as possible, and heated when necessary.
For that reason our hosts insist that social distancing rules be observed AT ALL TIMES, including for the use of the Restrooms ! Please avoid queues.
Reservation procedure for our guests.
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to: reservasconcertos@gmail.com
Prepayment will be required to avoid the need for check-in. Bookings should be made by email as usual. The names of all guests for the seating plan will be needed .
Payment details, either bank transfer or multibanco will be given when booking.. The guest donation is still EURO 25.00 p.p.
This prepayment avoids the need to check in on the concert night, and guests can go straight to their allocated seats.
So, please note:
Prepayment by guests is compulsory…..no cash transactions will be allowed.
CANCELLATION: Please, remember to cancel your reservation if you find even at the last moment that you will not be able to attend. Send another email. reservasconcertos@gmail.com