Concerts: September – October, 2015

Published: August 3, 2015



September 29 & October 1, 2015               


Piers Lane


Piers Lane, the renowned London-based Australian pianist will be making a welcome return to play for the Amigos on September 29th and October 1st

On the 29th  he will play pieces by Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin.

On October 1st. Piers will play a very varied program by Scarlatti, Bach, Brahms, Schubert, Chopin and Schultz-Evier

Amigos de Música concerts at Os Agostos begin at 7.00pm sharp. Doors open at 6.00pm and wine, fruit juices and canapés will be served. Guests and non-members are asked to donate €25 per person to help offset expenses.


To book please send an e-mail to  and if not possible call  914797980.


Os Agostos is an impressive XVlll century country estate located above Santa Bárbara de Nexe and near Bordeira. For navigation instructions go to: and then to “HOW TO GET THERE”.




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