Tuesday, June 11 and Thursday, June, 13
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to: reservasconcertos@gmail.com

ALISSA FIRSOVA, PIANO & DANIEL ROWLAND, VIOLIN will give two concerts at Os Agostos during June 2019. The first on Tuesday June 11 will include the world premiere of Alissa’s latest composition “Algarvia” as well as pieces by Elgar and Walton. The second, on Thursday June 13, will feature compositions by Prokofiev, Piazzola, Ravel, Milhaud as well as “Algarvia”. Alissa composed “Algarvia” during a recent trip to the Algarve.
Draft Programme; details to be confirmed
Tuesday, June 11
Edward Elgar: Chanson de Matin,
Chanson de Nuit
William Walton; Sonata for Violin and Piano
Alissa Firsova; ‘Algarvia’ world premiere
Edward Elgar; Sonata for Violin and Piano
Thursday, June 13th
Beethoven; ‘Spring’ Sonata no. 5 for Violin and Piano
Brahms; Sonata No. 2 in A major for Violin and Piano
Alissa Firsova; ‘Algarvia’ world premiere
Maurice Ravel; Habanera
Cesar Franck Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano
Amigos de Música concerts at Os Agostos begin at 7.00pm sharp. Doors open at 6.00pm and wine, fruit juices and canapés will be served. There will also be a short interval with refreshments served. Entry donation is €25 per person for guests and non-members.
The AMIGOS DE MÚSICA is an international group of around 90 members who stage musical activities by internationally renowned musicians and also sponsor young Portuguese musicians. It is a non-profit organization and celebrated its twenty-eighth anniversary last year.
Os Agostos is an impressive XVlll century country estate located above Santa Bárbara de Nexe and near Bordeira. For navigation instructions go to: http://www.osagostos.com and then to “HOW TO GET THERE”.