Tuesday November 5th and Thursday November 7th at 7.00 pm
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to: reservasconcertos@gmail.co

Milan Miladinovic, the prize-winning Serbian pianist will give two concerts during November 2019. On Tuesday November 5 Milan will present “Music and Symbols” with pieces by Bach/Busoni, Chopin, Liszt and Scriabin. On Thursday November 7 it will be Night as “Inspiration in Music” in which Milan will play Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy and Ravel.
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to reservasconcertos@gmail.com
For more information about the AMIGOS DE MÚSICA and concert programmes please see: www.amigos-de-musica.org For Membership enquires please contact helga.hampton@btinternet.com
Amigos de Música concerts at Os Agostos begin at 7.00pm sharp. Doors open at 6.00pm and wine, fruit juices and canapés will be served. There will also be a short interval with refreshments served. Entry donation is €25 per person for guests and non-members.
The AMIGOS DE MÚSICA is an international group of around 90 members who stage musical activities by internationally renowned musicians and also sponsor young Portuguese musicians. It is a non-profit organization and celebrated its twenty-eighth anniversary last year.
Os Agostos is an impressive XVlll century country estate located above Santa Bárbara de Nexe and near Bordeira. For navigation instructions go to: http://www.osagostos.com and then to “HOW TO GET THERE”.