October 10th & 12th; Joana Gama, piano

Joana Gama
JOANA GAMA, the Portuguese pianist, will give 2 recitals during October 2017. The first will be on Tuesday October 10 and will feature Lopes-Graça’s “Travels in my Homeland” followed by Vasques-Dias’ Tissues of Memory and Affection. The second recital will be on Thursday October 12 and will be mainly devoted to Erik Satie – Gymnopédie, Ogives & Gnossienne – as well as pieces by John Cage and Federico Mompou.
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to reservasconcertos@gmail.com or call Cristina on 914797980.
Joana Gama was born in the historic town of Braga in 1983. She enrolled at the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatory at age 5 where she started her piano lessons. She continued her studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London and later at Lisbon’s College of Music. She finished her Master’s degree in Piano Performance at Évora University where, in 2017, she finished a doctorate in Portuguese contemporary piano music funded by the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.
Joana has participated in masterclasses with, amongst others Helena Sá Costa, Vitaly Margulis and with the Borodin Quartet. In 2005 Joana came first in piano accompaniment in the Portuguese Young Musicians Prize and again first in 2008 in the piano category. Joana favors 20th. and 21st. century music frequently incorporating contemporary Portuguese music in her performances.
For concert bookings
please send an e-mail to reservasconcertos@gmail.com
or, if not possible, call Cristina on 914797980.
Amigos de Música concerts at Os Agostos begin at 7.00pm (19.00 ) sharp. Doors open at 6.00pm and wine, fruit juices and canapés will be served. Entry donation is €25 per person for guests and non-members.