Please note that there is a major change to the programming of our February concerts! Due to illness, the violinist Yura Lee, had to cancel her part in the Järna Trio’s programming and performances planned for us at Os Agostos on Tuesday, February 18th and Thursday, February 20th, 2020.
Juho Pohjonen, piano and Jakob Koranyi, cello, are kind enough to offer us a programme amended to solo works and piano/cello duos. The result of this huge effort in so short a period of time are two evenings of very interesting programming with a combination of Baroque, Classical and contemporary works. We shall be hearing solo piano Rameau and Bach, Chopin and Scriabin, and piano and cello duos by Beethoven and Shostakovich. And will also get two world premieres with duo pieces by the Swedish composer Anders Hillborg and the Finn Joonas Pohjonen.