From Barry Shaw, President of the Amigos
Dear Amigos,
Last week Sandro Bartoli pulled cnadian viagra india all the stops out when he began our new season by playing four quite monolithic fugues. There was nothing dainty or pretty here, his concentration as he built those massive, towering constructions was superb. It might however have been more kind to the audience if he had lowered the lid of the piano, but then we would not have been able to see the smoke rising from the hammers.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome some new Amigos to the fold. From Almancil we have Vivian Hirst, Robin & Joan Henry and Berta & Roger Lawson. From Loule, Anna Simonis. From Boliqueime, Tim & Jennifer Wetherall and from Moncarapacho, Randi Piro. Welcome to all and thank you for your support.
Next on the agenda is our ground breaking series
of Master Classes in October. This has to be the most ambitious project in terms of cost and organisational skills that the Amigos has ever undertaken. You will shortly receive the programme from the Cultural Centre for the concerts on the 14th and 17th which is the distilation of the achievements made by the students after Paul Crossley’s masterly teaching combined with many hours of practice. These are some the finest aspiring young pianists in Portugal, the next generation if you like, and who knows, there may even be a future Pizarro or Rosado standing in the wings. The Master classes will present Paul Crossley with an exhausting schedule of work. They will begin every day at 10.00 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00 and they will be open for Amigos and visitors alike, whoever is interested and would like to simply sit in and listen. As most of the Amigos will already know, Paul Crossley has enjoyed a huge and amazingly successful career and there is absolutely no doubt that all of these aspiring young musicians will proudly add these Master classes and his name to their Cv’s. Please take time out during the week to call into the gallery to hear what’s going on and do come to the concerts. It is going to be a tough week and we shall gratefully accept any offers of extra help. Helga Hampton who you can contact on 191 154 189 will on hand for most of the time.
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Master class series and that is on the Public relations front. Through the generosity of our sponsors, Mundo Crastino Meliori, the Amigos de Música, a group mostly made up of estrangeiros, has attracted the interest of the local press and more significantly, the Portuguese press. For your information I am attaching the English version of the press release which will be sent in Portuguese to as many newspapers as we can muster. It is good to put the Amigos name about in such a constructive way and for us to be able to put a little something back into this wonderful country which has become home to so many of us.
Kind regards,