Newsletter for January 2011

Published: January 16, 2011

Dear Amigos,

The two concerts from the pianist Joana Gama were a wonderful way to see out the old year and welcome in the new. We were delighted with her and if the attendance on the 4th of January was anything to go by, so was everyone else. She prepared her programmes with great care and I am sure we can look forward to seeing her again at some time in the future.

There was some

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very sad news in December when a dear friend and Amigos supporter for as long as I can remember, Steno Strazzeri passed away. Many will recall him. He was always well dressed, always a gentleman and always had an opinion, be it praise or criticism. He liked music to be cantabile and preferably played pianissimo. He would often take Marie or I to task if he thought the musician or the composer they were playing was too loud or if the music was atonal. But he always had the best interests of the Amigos at heart; indeed it was Steno who

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commissioned the little wooden shoes made to insulate the feet of the piano thereby helping to reduce the resonance. He was a thoughtful and kind man and he will be missed by us all.

On now to brighter things; Katya Apekisheva is due to return to São Lourenço to play her first solo concerts for us on the 27th February which I can now confirm will take place in the evening, followed by another on the 2nd March. In the past she has come along to accompany Jack Liebeck but this time we are going to take advantage of her wonderful solo career. As I write this, Katya is performing in Russia and the programmes she intends to play for us are something of a mystery, but as she is Russian and as she is there at the moment, maybe that gives us a clue?

I am also very pleased to say that since the last newsletter Piers Lane has just confirmed the very best news of all. The concerts will be on the 12th and 14th April and he will be bringing with him the remarkable Clarinet cheap viagra for sale online player Michael Collins. If Mr Collins has not appeared in your sights before, a sort trip to Google will confirm just how fortunate we will be to have such a potent and seriously talented pair of musicians in our midst. The other item which can now be confirmed is

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the dates of the Sinaiski Trio from Russia who will play at the start of our new season on the 13th and 17th September.

At the AGM there was mentioned the possibility of holding another Amigos Summer Party, probably at some time in June. To date there is no further information as to exact date or possible venue, but it is hoped that by the time of the next Newsletter more information will be to hand. Until then,

Kind regards,


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