NEWSLETTER February 2013

Published: March 4, 2013



February 2013

Dear Friends,

The Barry Shaw Memorial Concert last Sunday was a significant occasion, not only because it provided us with moving closure over the loss of our much admired and sadly lost friend, but also because it turned out to be a great musical event. Barry would have not only approved, he would have really enjoyed hearing his favourite pieces of music played with so much heart and feeling. His

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long-time friend, Paul Crossley, is truly one of the piano greats, and his rendering of these endearing tunes left no eyes dry. And yet, Paul also managed to convey what we, the Amigos, had set out to do when we had the idea for this concert: we wanted this occasion to be a celebration of Barry’s life. A life lived with joy and curiosity and rich in the diversity of interests. This was borne out by the fact that the 50 odd Amigos who hosted this matinee event, were joined by an equal number of friends from his non-musical pursuits; like his bridge partners, his Chaine de Rotisseurs and Wine Society buddies, and we were very glad to be able to welcome Barry’s sister and two of his nieces.

During the convivial post-concert reception it was generally agreed that Barry had enriched all our lives by being a true friend and

a true lover of music. His seven years of leading the Amigos brought us world-class musicians like Catherine Stott and Piers Lane, among many others, who we could hear and experience intimately at our beloved venue without having to go to Wigmore Hall in London or the Berlin Philharmonie. We have so much to thank him for. He will always be missed.


NEXT EVENT: So now we are in the run-up to the second part of the 2012/13 season and we have a young pianist to look forward to, who comes to us from Finland. Juho Pohjonen will play a well-selected programme of music by his northern countrymen, Nielsen and Grieg, interspersed with pieces by Mozart and Schumann, and as the grand finale he will play Sibelius’ “Finlandia”.

Please note: his dates are: Tuesday, February 19th and Thursday February 21st,

which is a deviation from our habitual concert weekdays.

ARTIST ENTERTAINMENT: Let me once more take the opportunity to remind us all of the uniqueness of our concert-making format: Not only does our intimate venue make it possible to enjoy “Hausmusik” by the way our musicians perform right in the midst of us, we also have the added pleasure to meet world-class artists and to make friends with them. Please do take the opportunity to approach them, ask them out for a drink or otherwise suggest entertaining them. I assure you, most of them appreciate some form of personal contact and to be introduced to the Algarve in a friendly fashion.

WELCOME: I don’t want to miss this opportunity to introduce and welcome our newest members:

Caroline and Calvin Jackson

Lise Kristiansen and Per Anton Kleppa

Marianne and Bertil Wiren

Catherine O’Neil

I hope you will all enjoy belonging into our fold, as I am sure everybody will want to make your acquaintance and to add you to their circle of friends. Welcome !


RESERVATIONS: We have had to make an alteration to our reservation method:

Make your reservations if at all possible by email using the address:

If you have to use a telephone contact, please phone the following mobile number of

Mr. Michael Savage: 96 534 8604

AND, of course, don’t forget to notify us in any manner if you find out at the last moment that you will not be able to

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attend a concert for which you made a reservation. Your cancellation is very important

Please note for your agendas the dates of the next concerts:
March 13th and 16th, 2013 “A Piacere” Trio*

April 10th and 13th, 2013 Craig Ogden*, guitar

April 30th and May 3rd, 2013 Javier Perianes*

June 11th and 14th, 2013 Steven Vanhauwaert*

* Feel free to google any one of our artists – you may be surprised what you find there.

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forward to seeing you in Sao Lourenco very soon.

Helga Hampton



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