by Amigos de Música | Oct 10, 2017 | Archives
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to or, if not possible, call Cristina on 914797980. CONCERTS PLANNED FOR 2016/17 2016 September, 27 AGM before the first concert of the Season Sept. 27 and 29 ...
by Amigos de Música | Oct 1, 2017 | Member's Page, Newsletters
26 Years of Great Music To all Amigos/as From Helga Hampton NEWSLETTER October 1, 2017 Dear Amigos, We started our 2017/18 season with a bang! Who would have ever thought that the unusual pairing of a flute and a...
by Amigos de Música | Sep 25, 2017 | Past Concerts
October 10th & 12th; Joana Gama, piano JOANA GAMA, the Portuguese pianist, will give 2 recitals during October 2017. The first will be on Tuesday October 10 and will feature Lopes-Graça’s “Travels in my Homeland” followed by Vasques-Dias’ Tissues of...
by Amigos de Música | Sep 14, 2017 | Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION OCTOBER 2017 CONCERTS 03.09.2017 JOANA GAMA, the Portuguese pianist, will give 2 recitals during October 2017. The first will be on Tuesday October 10 and will feature Lopes-Graça’s “Travels in my Homeland” followed by...
by Amigos de Música | Sep 6, 2017 | Member's Page
The Annual General Meeting is called for Tuesday, 19th September 2017 at Os Agostos. The meeting is convened for 4.30 pm, and if a quorum is not present, will be reconvened at 5.30 pm with those members present. Please come at 5.30 pm 1. Opening of...