NEWSFLASH; September 17th, 2021

AMIGOS DE MÚSICA at OS AGOSTOS Dear Amigas and Amigos, NEWSFLASH I have a Radio broadcast of the semi finalists of the Leeds Piano Competition on BBC Radio3 – one of them playing the Scriabin Sonata No 4, in F sharp – a relay presented by “our” Katya...


PIERRE-ANDRE DOUCET The first of the concert series will be given by the French-Canadian pianist PIERRE-ANDRE DOUCET.  Renowned for his vivid soundscapes and inventive texts, pianist and writer Pierre-André Doucet is a leading voice among Canada’s newest...

September Concerts

Milan Miladinovic On Tuesday, September 14th and Thursday, September 16th, pianist, Milan Miladinovic will give matinee and evening concerts. On Tuesday, Milan will present a programme of works by Scriabin...