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Concert Programme 2016-2017
For concert bookings please send an e-mail to or, if not possible, call Cristina on 914797980. CONCERTS PLANNED FOR 2016/17 2016 September, 27 AGM before the first concert of the Season Sept. 27 and 29 ...
October Newsletter
26 Years of Great Music To all Amigos/as From Helga Hampton NEWSLETTER October 1, 2017 Dear Amigos, We started our 2017/18 season with a bang! Who would have ever thought that the unusual pairing of a flute and a...
October Concerts
October 10th & 12th; Joana Gama, piano JOANA GAMA, the Portuguese pianist, will give 2 recitals during October 2017. The first will be on Tuesday October 10 and will feature Lopes-Graça’s “Travels in my Homeland” followed by Vasques-Dias’ Tissues of...
Press release – Joana Gama Concerts October 2017
FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION OCTOBER 2017 CONCERTS 03.09.2017 JOANA GAMA, the Portuguese pianist, will give 2 recitals during October 2017. The first will be on Tuesday October 10 and will feature Lopes-Graça’s “Travels in my Homeland” followed by...
Convocation of Annual General Meeting 2017
The Annual General Meeting is called for Tuesday, 19th September 2017 at Os Agostos. The meeting is convened for 4.30 pm, and if a quorum is not present, will be reconvened at 5.30 pm with those members present. Please come at 5.30 pm 1. Opening of...