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Press Release,11th November 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION DECEMBER 2016 CONCERTS 11.11.2016 ANA BEATRIZ FERREIRA, the exciting young Portuguese pianist, will give 2 concerts during December, 2016. On Tuesday, December 13th., Ana Beatriz will play pieces by Beethoven, Vianna da Motta,...
Press Release: October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION NOVEMBER 2016 CONCERTS 23.10.2016 CRAIG OGDEN, the renowned Australian guitarist, who last played for the Amigos at São Lourenço in 2013, will be giving 2 very varied recitals during November 2016. The first recital...
Newsletter, October 31st, 2016
Dear Amigos, Happy Halloween ! That means it is the end of October – a month that brought the Amigos the wonderful Caminus Duo ! What a discovery these local musical artist are! They got our attention with a most varied selection of pieces – there was something for...
November 2016 Concerts
Amigos de Música concerts at Os Agostos begin at 7.00pm (19.00 h) sharp. Doors open at 6.00pm and wine, fruit juices and canapés will be served. Entry donation is €25 per person for guests and non-members. For concert bookings please send an e-mail to...
Press Release, October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION OCTOBER 2016 CONCERTS 6.10.2016 Caminus Duo – Joana Vieira Shumova (piano) & Mikhail Shumov (cello) – will give 2 concerts on October 18 & 20, 2016 at Os Agostos. On Tuesday October 18th. Joana and Mikhail will...