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The AAMSL YOUNG PORTUGUESE MUSICIANS’ SCHOLARSHIP A Survey by Helga HamptonSCHOLARSHIP for Young Portuguese Music Students The Association of Amigos de Musica, formed from the start as a non-profit organisation, was soon fortunate in attracting not only a very...
Our History
A SHORT HISTORY of the Associação de Amigos de Música de São Lourenço 1988 – 2022 by Helga Hampton AAMSL was conceived by Christine Lady Vavasour in the early days of the new Centro Cultural de Sao Lourenco CCSL of Volker and Marie Huber, in support of the...
Our Mission
The Circle of Music Friends, known as “Amigos de Música” is committed to bringing music from great performers to the Algarve audiences. It was originally set up to support recitals organised by Marie Huber and her husband, Volker, at the Centro Cultural de São...
January Newsletter
30 Years of Great Music To all Amigos/as From Helga Hampton Dear Amigos, ...
NEWSFLASH of December concert change on Dec. 7th, 2021 Dear Amigas and Amigos, It will probably not come as a total surprise to you when I tell you that our December pianist, Nuno Marques, cancelled his two recitals at Os Agostos on December 14th and 16th, 2021. The...