STOP PRESS         JUNE 2018 CONCERTS – REVISED             04.06.2018   KONSTANTIN LAPSHIN is a Russian pianist based in London. He has stepped in virtually at the last moment after István Lajkó broke a leg and is unable to play as scheduled! Konstantin will...

June concerts

Due to illness Istvan Lajko cannot play. We have been fortunate in securing a wonderful replacement, the Russian pianist, Konstantin Lapshin whose programme is below: Konstantin Lapshin – piano     Programme  on Tuesday, 12th June  2018: Wolfgang...

June Newsletter

Dear Amigos, The 2017/18 concert season is going out with a surprise and it looks like a good one. On the weekend bad news came in about our June artist, the Hungarian pianist Istvan Lajko, who broke a leg and upon medical advice cannot play for several weeks. We wish...

Press Release 2: June 2018 Concerts

FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION         JUNE 2018 CONCERTS            29.05.2018   ISTVÁN LAJKÓ, the Hungarian piano maestro, will give 2 concerts at Os Agostos during June 2018. The first of these concerts will be on Tuesday June 12 and István will play music by Béla...

May Newsletter

27 Years of Great Music   To all Amigos/as From Helga Hampton                             NEWSLETTER May 15th, 2018 Dear Amigos,   The May concerts have come and gone, and lucky those Amigos who were here and were able to come to Os Agostos on May 8th and/or...